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ReLaunch Your business at a Gigabit speed
- Life online is today's business reality
- Innovations make Internet connection quality and speed requirements grow every year
- Gigabit speed will ensure uncompromised simultaneous work of online conferences and meetings, streaming, video meetings with clients, exchange of large files, IoT and much more
- Prepare for the future - gigabit fiber connectivity today means confidence in your technology for years to come
Gigabit speed via fiber - double power for your business
- 100% fiber-optic FTTS connection - optical fiber comes to the client's equipment
- Maximum resiliency is ensured - all equipment (including in business centers) is equipped with autonomous power supplies from 4 hours up
- Instead of using outdated media converters, we provide an SFP module for converting an optical signal
- We provide equipment (including Wi-fi) that accepts fiber, if necessary
- Guaranteed SLA 99.5% and up
Comparison of technologies
Why "home" solutions don`t fit business needs
- Wnet Gig
- Dedicated fiber directly to customer's equipment
- Independence from other subscribers
- Guaranteed symmetrical individual speed up to 10 Gbps
- We support any specifications for building a corporate network ( L2, IP/MPLS, VPN, etc.)
Security of connection:
- One optical fiber for 64 customers
- If another client turns on the “wrong” equipment, the service will stop working for everyone
- 2.54 Gbps speed for all customers
- The technology is designed for "home" networks
Security of connection:
- Twisted pair
- Fiber to the building only
- If traffic usage in a building increases sharply, service degradation is possible
- Maximum speed 1 Gbps under best conditions
- Increasing speed is a costly and time-consuming process, requires updating
Security of connection:
Our expertise for your business
- Personalized service. Special attention to the individual business needs
- Proactive support 24x7x365 - transparent monitoring system WnetControl
- 40+ additional IT services. We can release you from routine work and provide the necessary resources and equipment thus reducing your costs
- 4500+ corporate clients choose us for professional and high-quality service
- 25 years of B2B experience in Ukraine, USA and Europe
Special IT offer
Audit your local or Wi-Fi network
Valid for new and current customers who choose a speed from 1 Gbps and up
Map of Wnet availability
Connection at points of presence up to 3 working days
8000 km
own fiber network
wired buildings
Our Gigabit customers entrust their business to Wnet